Saturday, 11 August 2012

World Cup, not Olympics!

Hello people!

Here Speaks Enzo Buzz, and this is my fifth post on the week :-[)!

And today we have fish to the lunch! In my meal, I have cooked fish - with fish, potatoes, tomatoes and bell peppers - rice, beans, salad with - lettuce, tomatoes, grated carrot and zucchini.

Food-o-meter- 9/10
Health rating- 8.5/10
Mouthfuls- 500g
Courses– main
Price- about R$10,00 (£3,16, $5)
Pieces of hair– none
Number of Olympic medals won by Brazil 3 x 0 Italy... Go to gold male volley !!!

Veg sent me an e-mail, saying that she are excited with the Olympic Games in Brazil. Veg, to be honest with you, Brazilians are most concerned about 2014 World Cup (Soccer). For this we are reforming most of our stadiums, and the stadiums are in very different places, then the tourists go to learn about the geography of Brazil. We have stadiums in known places, like Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, but we have in locals very differents and no too known, like in Amazonas, on the north of Brazil.

Today is only this, this all folks, See Ya!


  1. Muitos parabens Enzo e Giorgio, adorei aprender sobre a comida brasileira (eu sou portuguesa mas moro na Inglaterra). Em Portugal tambem se come bife com batata frita e arroz, mas com ovo estrelado em vez de feijao! :) E uma das minhas comidas favoritas! Espero que tenham gostado de fazer este projeto e que continuem a comer comidas deliciosas e saudaveis. Beijos para voces!

  2. i Must say that you doing very well Blogger SEO. God Bless You!

  3. Enzo you have given us a week of fascinating menus. Thank you. I printed out the crumble recipe, can not wait to make it. I also found two Brazilian restaurants in San Francisco, California and I look forward to trying them. Thank you to you and your brother for sharing your week. Victoria

  4. I guess the posts from Enzo are in Portuguese then Google Translate turns them into English.
    Hard to follow because the English translation is broken. I usually print the posts to this blog and give it to primary school kids aged between 9 and 14. Had to correct the grammar and phrasing - am afraid I may have diluted Enzo's original flow.
    Enzo, kids here are very excited about the World Cup in Brazil too - London Olympics has been a low point for Kenya ever since we established ourselves as an Olympic athletics powerhouse.
    Going into the Games we said " the British took over Kenya in the 1800's now in the 21st century we were to take over the UK".
